Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida

Providing comprehensive pediatric, adolescent, and adult neuropsychological evaluation of Attention Deficit Disorder for more than 30 years.




Ernest J. Bordini, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

Executive Director, Specializing in Pediatric and Adult Neuropsychological Assessment

Main Office

2121 NW 40th Terrace, Suite B, Gainesville FL 32605

Ocala office:

3620 NE 8th Place, Suite 3, Ocala FL 34470

    352 336-2888

MasterCard and Visa accepted.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida

Visit Neuropsychology Central, one of our resources for neuropsychology and the neuropsychology community.

Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central has more than 30 years of experience in ADHD assessments for children, adolescents, college students and adults.  We utilize a comprehensive approach to the evaluation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

ADHD can be a complex disorder and each individual has a unique profile. Our approach considers  other neuropsychological and psychological disorders which may mimic ADHD or require further medical assessment, assess processing and learning disorders to rule out coexisting conditions and ensure proper diagnosis. 

Evaluations typically include some assessment of motor skills which can interfere with handwriting and executive functions which often contribute to planning and organizational difficultes.




Because ADHD is a lifelong condition and may require medication, we advocate a careful and thorough assessment which consists of far more than a simple checklist or brief office visit. Ruling out other disorders and assessing for possible co-existing disorders assists in proper diagnosis and setting priorities for addressing areas of difficulties.

Assessment of psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, behavioral, or psychological difficulties that can complicate treatment such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive features (OCD), depression, and behavior difficulties such as Opposition Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder is important in planning treatment for best outcomes.

We provide required assessment to determine eligibility for test accommodations for ADHD or Learning Disabilities for national exams including but not lmited to SAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, Law and Medical Board or Bar exams.  These have specific requirements and usually must be done within a certain timeframe. Briefer or outdated evaluations usually result in rejections.


 More than 30 years of experience in assessing and treating Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities and other neurodevelopmenal conditions.

Map to our main Gainesville office at 2121 NW 40th Terrace Ste B, Gainesville, FL 32605 appears below:



Note this summary is current as of January 2005, and refers to Alachua County Policy Manual Chapter 5.02. Form STU 023.008 Revised 1/16/03. Contact Exceptional Student Education to determine if there have been any subsequent revisions.


__A. Seating student near the teacher.
__B. Seating student near a positive role model
__C. Standing near the student when giving directions or presenting lessons
__D. Avoiding distracting stimuli(air conditioner, high traffic area, etc.)
__E. Increasing the distance between the desks
__F. Additional accommodations:


__A. Pairing students to check work
__B. Writing key points on the board
__C. Providing peer tutoring
__D. Providing visual aids
__E. Providing peer notetaker
__F. Making sure directions are understood
__G. Including a variety of activities during each lesson
__H. Breaking longer presentations into shorter segments
__I. Additional accommodations
__J. Providing written outline
__K. Allowing student to tape record lessons
__L. Having student review key points orally
__M. Teaching through multisensory “modes”
__N using computer-assisted Instruction


__A. Giving extra time to complete tasks
__B. Simplifying complex directions
__C. Handing worksheets out one at a time
__D. Reducing the reading level of the assignments
__E. Requiring fewer correct responses to achieve grade:
__F. Allowing student to tape record assignments/homework
__G. Providing a structured routine in writing form
__H. Providing study skills training/learning strategies
__I. Giving frequent short quizzes and avoiding long tests
__J. Shortening assignments; breaking work Into smaller segments

__K. Allowing typewritten or computer printed assignments
__L. Additional accommodations:
__M. Using self-monitoring devices
__N. Reducing homework
__O. Not grading handwriting


__A. Allowing open book exams
__B. Giving exam orally (ie reading test items to student)
__C. Giving take-home tests
__D using more objective items (fewer essay responses)
__E. Allowing student to give test answers on tape recorder
__F. Giving frequent short quizzes, not long exams
__G. Additional accommodations:
__H. Allowing extra time for exam
__I. Reading test item to student


__A. Suggesting parenting programs(s)
__B monitoring student closely on field trip
__C. In-servicing teacher(s) on child's disability
__D. Providing social skills group experiences
__E. Developing intervention strategies for transitional periods (e.g. cafeteria, physical education, etc.)
__F. Alerting bus driver
__G. Suggesting agency involvement
__H. Providing group/individual counseling


__A. Providing peer assistance with organizational skills
__B. Assigning volunteer homework buddy
__C. Allowing student to have an extra set of books at home
__D. Sending daily/weekly progress reports home
__E. Developing a reward system for in-school work and homework completion
__F. Providing student with a homework assignment notebook
__G. Additional accommodations:


__A. Praising specific behaviors
__B. Using self-monitoring strategies
__C. Giving extra privileges and rewards
__D. Keeping classroom rules simple and clear
__E. Making "prudent use" of negative consequences
__F. Allowing for short breaks between assignments
__G. Cuing student to stay on task (nonverbal signal)
__H. Marking student's correct answers, not his/her mistakes.
__I. Implementing a classroom behavior management system
__J. Allowing student time out of seat to run errands, etc.
__K. Ignoring inappropriate behaviors not drastically outside classroom limits.
__L. Additional accommodations
__M. Allowing legitimate movement
__N. Contracting with the student
__O. Increasing the immediacy of rewards
__P. Implementing timeout procedures


Visit the CHADD.ORG website for Chadd of Alachua County Contact info.

PARENT ADVOCACY COALITION - Support and Education for Parents who have children with mental health needs. Gainesville Office: (352) 374-9873 or Has local meetings as well chapters around the state of Florida.


Please use the AMAZON LINKS Below to find suggested readings include the Hyperactive Child, Adolescent and Adult, books or videotapes by Sam Goldstein or Russell Barkley, and books by Mel Levine.


Parents wanting to get a grip on information that will be helpful in understanding your child and help with asking the docs and teachers the right questions will want to start here.

Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete, ...

Covers a wide variety of topics, a good intermediate level book.

The Voucher System Behavior Management...

Ok, we all agree that more frequent rewards and consequences and a structured system helps. But how? Here is a running start.

Adhd and the Nature of Self-Control

This offers a little more of a theoretical treatment. Definitely beyond the basics.
ADHD in Adolescents: Diagnosis and...

A good book to help you understand the challenges and complexity of ADHD during teen years.
Driven to Distraction : Recognizing and...
This is a popular book, very readable and frequently recommended by our Staff.

Fathering the Adhd Child : A Book for...

Finally a book designed for Dads! Slip this into his bedtime reading.

ADHD : Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity...

This is another solid book well beyond the basic level.

Otto Learns About His Medicine : A Story...

This is a unique and fun book helpful for children and for parents who want to find a less threatening way to approach their young child about their new medication.

Treating Huckleberry Finn: A New...

This is a fresh book, with a sense of humor.

Visit Our NeuropsychologyCentral.Com site for more information about neuropsychology, articles, resources and forums.